Office grade A

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According to the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International, of whom the British Council for Offices is an international member, office space is classified as one of three categories: Class A, Class B, and Class C.

Although the particulars of each class vary slightly from area to area, the general consensus stays pretty much the same. Buildings are graded on relative parameters such as age, location, infrastructure, technology, architecture and amenities. Amenities, which are usually provided in-house, can include features such as food courts, on-site parking or gymnasiums.

What makes a Class A office? Class A buildings are the most coveted, highly sought after spaces and are generally located in the most desirable areas. Besides their location, what makes them especially enticing is their modern, high end infrastructure, features and amenities. These buildings will typically have the very latest in infrastructure technology allowing them to achieve the highest standards in efficiency.  Not all Class A buildings have to be new, however. It is possible for highly maintained renowned structures in prime locations to be considered as Class A.

Not only are Class A offices aesthetically pleasing but they’re also often maintained by trustworthy management companies who keep them in top shape – this grade is used to describe offices that have a good reputation in the prestigious area of a city as well.

In addition to this, a good way to determine the class of a building or office space is through height. These buildings tend to be skyscrapers and the spaces inside tend to have high ceilings and large dimensions, which makes them easily discernible from other types of buildings.

Class A buildings are always in demand, have significant size and are typically located in a central location, making them the most desirable properties on the market. If you’re not sure whether an office building is classed as A or you want to know the physical conditions of a building, don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0932 654 000 and Leader Real will help you with your real estate decision!

Office grade A for rent in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

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